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Reviews of Garden Court Hotel, Bayswater

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Dan Deans on 28th March, 2006

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This hotel is truly a hidden gem in London. The Bayswater underground is only an 8 minute walk, so all of London is within reach. The price is very competitive when one thinks of the location. The room was immaculate and roomy. The included breakfast was more than filling, and the service was tremendous. Every member of the staff was a pleasure to speak with and so helpful! For parents traveling with children: room 106 has a queen sized bed and two singles, along with your own bathroom. The windows overlook the park so the nights are quiet. And our son has asthma so that the cleanliness of the room was very important to us. The local mall was important to our daughter as well! A great value and wonderful experience.

Date visited: March 2006

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