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Reviews of Fitness First Camberley, Camberley

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Price on 25th February, 2008

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I joined because of the vast number of classes the Camberley branch had to offer. The times of the classes suited me too. Almost immediately after joining the number of classes halved. Also I would turn up on a Sunday morining only to be told that they can't find the instructor and they have no replacement. This happened a few times. I tried to cancel my contract and pointed out that they had not kept to their part of the bargain by providing me with the level of classes that they had when I joined, but I was told that there was no way they would return any of my money and that I was locked into the contract for a whole year. To cancel my contract I have had to make an appointment to visit the gym and meet one of their representatives where I am sure they are going to try to talk me out of cancelling. The whole experience has been stressful. In hind sight I would not join this gym if my life depended on it!

Date visited: Sept 07

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