North Kent Marshes, Kent

North Kent Marshes
The North Kent Marshes are an area in the northern part of the county
of Kent. The region is situated along the the Thames Estuary and is
recognised by the government as an Environmentally Sensitive Area
(ESA). It is within the Thames Gateway regional planning area and
extends across over 13,715 ha. It is made up of an almost continuous
coastal marshland fringe that runs from Whitstable in the east and
over to Gravesend on the Thames estuary in the west. The region
includes the Medway estuary and the Isle of Sheppey. The marshes are
generally around one to three miles wide, except for a broader area at
the Hoo peninsula. A belt of higher upland defines the region’s
southern boundary. The region is dominated by agricultural land, more
than half of which is grassland. The arable land there is mainly used
for the planting of winter-sown cereals and oilseed rape. Much of the
area has been enclosed by sea walls to prevent flooding, many of which
have been in place since medieval times. Outside of the sea wall the
land consists mainly of mudflats and saltings. The region is of
international importance for over-wintering and breeding birds and the
marshes and associated ditches contain valuable aquatic flora and
fauna. More than one third of the marshland is designated as National
Nature Reserves or Sites of Special Scientific Interest.

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Brit Quote:
This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one - Arthur C Clarke
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On this day:
National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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