Firle Place
Firle Place


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Telephone code: 01273
Postcode: BN8
Population: 330
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Firle Tips

Take a walk through the narrow streets with flint cottages and you can walk up to Firle Beacon that’s got stunning views of the coast and the Weald - Sharon

Middle farm at Firle is a good place to visit as the children can see chickens, ducks, shire horses and even see cows being milked ,they sell plants, and there is a nice craft shop that’s very reasonable and free parking - Sharon

Rodmell Is a lovely village with pretty flint cottages and thatched roofs, after seeing Virginia Wolfe’s house take a stroll along the river bank it’s soothing - Elias

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The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it - John Ruskin
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On this day:
National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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