Schools in Beckington

Springmead Preparatory School
Castle Corner

BA11 6TA

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There can be few more important tasks for a parent than choosing the right school for their child. At school, children should not only become numerate and literate, but also develop a hunger for knowledge and a thirst for learning whether this is in academic areas, sports or arts. Children need to be guided to become self-learners, to think wisely, be confident, balanced and compassionate while developing their own particular talents and abilities to the full. At Springmead School there is a firm commitment to these principles which are achieved by: · Caring for each individual's needs, a realistic proposition in small classes; · Providing a first-class education using the best of traditional and modern teaching approaches with up-to-date resources; · Providing a rich variety of academic, social and sporting experiences; · Providing dedicated, professional and caring staff. who receive regular in-service training; · Providing a happy and supportive environment; · Forging strong partnerships between home and school.

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