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Reviews of Bryntirion Dental Surgery, Blackwood

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Review by mrs jones on 5th July, 2013

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I was about to go on holiday and I had a slight chip in a false tooth and I was concerned it would break, so I called the dental technician and he told me to go there and he would check it out for me. I got there to be greeted by some jumped up 15 year old who thought she was someone special, went to ask the technician if I had rang him as though she did not believe me! there were other patients waiting behind me and said in front of everyone and handed me a tissue 'put your denture there and wash it! call back in an hour!! there was no discretion at all!! very very unprofessional, I get more discretion when I take my dog to budgetvets in Blackwood!! she is an ignorant pig!! I said 'forget it! and when I got out a lady who heard everything said 'oh my God, I would have slapped her if she had made me embarrassed like that!! so if you are looking for discretion with your teeth and treatment don't go here!! she is about 20 and fair/ginger hair to just past her jawline. . you wont miss her!! little miss embarrassment!!

Date visited: 17.06.13

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