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Reviews of M & N Dental Practice, Bedford

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Shweta Thiyagesan on 18th October, 2010

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I had dental appointment at 4.45pm and i rang 10am this morning to cancel the appointment as my daughter is not well. But i was almost told of by the receptionist and i felt like i am lying to them and making excuses for not attending and cancelling my appointment. I just felt like i don't need to justify and she had no right telling me off and going in details about my daughter. I had the same situation before when i cancelled because of my daughter not being well and same thing happened before, i was told by receptionist that bringing her out in bus will do good for my daughter and i had to argue unnecessary for no reason. I did give enough notice and i cancelled before time, i don't understand why they have to be so rude to customer and make me feel like bullied. I would like to talk to someone in charge and i need them to apologise for their behaviour. Felt so helpless and endup crying on phone.

Date visited: 18/10/2010

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