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Reviews of Llanmadoc Camping and Caravan Site, Swansea

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Nick on 17th August, 2014

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Camping For two nights and 7 people it cost £75 which could be ok, however. I so wish I had seen this site before I went. We were kept waiting at the gate because the people on the gate did not know we had booked and had no details. The owners were quick enough to take the money by phone. We were then questioned why we needed two vehicles, not really a mystery, 6 adults and an 11 year old. We needed a big tent, a lot of food, clothing and all the sundries, this was not going to fit into a 307 Peugeot. We were questioned about our late arrival, 6.30pm considered late from Cheltenham, I do not think so. We had hit a lot of traffic, my car had broken down twice, we did pretty well to get here in 3 1/2 hours when we left Cheltenham at 3. After the trip I had had having got covered in oil and diesle 2 times a smooth booking in would have been welcomed The fields we camp in are in need of mowing, a herd of cows would have got very fat in this grass to put it mildly. There is rubbish littered about the place. The showers are limited as to when you can use them. In the morning the showers are limited opening times, 8.30 until 11 am. The toilets are very primitive. The showers are them limited opening in the evening. The car parks are closed at 6.00pm so it makes life impossible to go out for a meal should you wish to. You are not allowed visitors on site after 6.00pm and it is enforced. We had one member of the party drop out at the last minute due to unfortunate situation and a refund was not going to Be given at all. If the experience is going to be what it is then it should be priced accordingly, in this case a lot lower. If the price is going to be the level it is then it is a very poor facility in terms of value for money. They are really cashing in, this place is on its knees and the number of people here reflects the lack of value for money. Having since looked at other sites who offer the same experience for the same money this place is dying. The other sites are a lot busier without being excessive. There facilities are new and purpose built where this place is dog eared and a little more than just tired. People will not be repeating this experience when they see what other sites have to offer. Why once again do we have to look at how the Europeans do things and then feel like we are a third world country. My advice, be prepared for a disappointing camping site or stay away. Second day one child arrived late and had another car, we had so much trouble with the camp site and will never return. The woman at the desk,suggested we might want to leave now and I said I would not. I only had two nights on the site and I was not going to pack up at 5.00pm and find another site to camp on. Service is something that they really do not understand. I also met another camper on the site who had been suggested he might like to leave as well. She also suggested that having read the internet comments and still coming to the site I am clearly stupid. I personally felt that having been to the site to inspect it a few weeks earlier that the comments were possibly unfair, I felt they were worth a second chance. They really are not worth a first chance yet alone a second. I have stayed on many sites and this one clearly is the worst. Busy summer holidays and I should have seen the space and realised. This place is dying on its feet and it is one site people use once and then they learn. Beware, if you wish to risk it fine, they are not worth a second chance and I would recommend you do not give them a first chance. I have spoken to a couple of other campers, the best remark was that the site was overpriced. This site really should be taken away form it's owners and given to someone that cares. It is a potential jewel, it really does not live up to its website. No loo paper, showers could do with looking like they are out of this century. Not enough showers for the ladies and the timers on the shower heads are too short. You have to pay to get hot water to wash up, there was a pile of litter in the field. One caravan owner had to lift a field gate of its hinges to get his caravan out because the owners would not unlock it. Two families who were not allowed to park there caravans next to one another, for no apparent reason. Half a pint of milk 80p, that was all we were prepared to buy. Minimum effort in by the owners and maximum price charged. I honestly thought that the bad reviews were just the odd disgruntled person. However you pay in advance for a weekend and by the time you have pitched and put everything where it is you really are not prepared to pack everything up and search for another site. When you have to leave at 12.00 you wake, you pack and by the time everything is sorted the showers have closed. So you shower then you pack away and you are all hot and bothered when you leave. It is a sin these people are allowed to own this facility. This is a potential diamond, however in the present owners hands it actually is a lump of coal. What a great waste. They know the bad reports are on here, they know so a any customers are really very unhappy but they make no effort to change. They know they can keep taking enough money from people like us who are prepared to give them a chance. Never ever again, I have told so many of my friends already and will not stop.

Date visited: 15/08/2014

Review by louise on 12th March, 2014

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I wrote a review back in 2011, such a beautiful spot, it could be a stunning. Is the same horrible person running it, if it has changed hands I would go back

Review by linda on 17th November, 2013

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The location is beautiful but the owner knows this and charges £25 a night for the view.. the site it self is filthy there's a open skip to put your rubbish in and it stinks.the toilets are VILE and there is no loo paper or hand washing facilities. The owner charges different prices for camping sometimes it's £25 a night then it could be £20 it's whatever mood she is in. The only good thing on this site was the cafe the food was outstanding and the staff were very helpful they did say it was their last year there and I don't blame them.....DON'T GO THERE PEOPLE

Date visited: July 2013

Review by helen on 3rd October, 2013

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After talking to some people who had booked in they had all payed different prices one couple payed £25 a night another couple payed £21 she wanted to charge us £26 there was only two of us in all parties.The location of this site is beautiful but if it wasn't for that i can't see anyone going there..ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK

Date visited: july

Review by AliS on 6th August, 2013

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She's still there! See reviews below, the site is in a perfect location but the owner is very stingy - it's not an expensive site but it's not the cheapest either and yet you have to buy your own toilet roll and hot water (I've never seen wasted toilet roll as an issue on any other sites. On arrival there isn't a single welcome sign just a lot of warnings and alternative ways to be evicted. Mrs Price was perfectly happy to allow my parents to wait outside the campsite for a few hours on their arrival because they didn't have my credit card that I had booked and paid for all of us on! Nevermind, we still had a lovely time and there is a certain comedy value to it all!

Date visited: 2 - 5 August 2013

Review by Anita d on 13th August, 2012

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Well what can i say, everyone is right about this site we used to go there when me and my brothers where young in early 1980's. So thought we would visit it again with my young children. But the site was just the same and so was Mrs Price the only difference was we had to pay for a 20p token for the showers but still you didnt always get hot water. The shower blocks have not changed in 20yrs and Mrs Price was always rude to every one but her husband Mr Price was a great guy he was polite and nice to everyone. In the 80's I used to work in the office collecting the money and my dad helped Mr Price on the farm and my mom cleaned the toilets and showers but stopped going cause of Mrs Price. So I am really surprised she is still there after all these yrs I deffiantly won't be going there.

Date visited: aug 2000

Review by chris on 25th April, 2012

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After visiting this site with my husband and 2 children i was amazed how rude the owner was,the young girl who works in the office was just has bad (but nice when mrs price wasnt around).It is such a shame because its one of the most beautiful places that we have been camping,there is a shop/cafe on site if it wasnt for the most friendly welcome the lady who runs the shop gave us and the fantastic food we had there we wouldnt have stayed for the weekend.The lady who runs the shop was so wonderful with our children,i would go back to that campsite just to go there for lunch and walk on the beach,but i wouldnt give mrs price another penny.

Date visited: 14/8/2011

Review by rainer on 13th January, 2012

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everything you read about this campsite is true ! carry on camping is an understatement if the weather looks like rain pitch at the top of field as water runs down field into tents , we have been coming to this site for a few years now , and i absolutely love it not the site just the spectacular beach and walks as you step out of your tent through the hedge and onto the beaches the owner is totally eccentric and does vet everyone as they arrive if she dont like the look of you you dont get on simples , reason she doesnt want all night parties , drunks , and yobs , she locks the gates at 10pm so you have to park outside if your late back , but this is for safety and for the kids sake, she is really keen on families with children which makes a change so your able to have your bbq and the kids are playing in the field no fear of cars driving in and out , as it is an area of outstanding natural beauty the facilities are very very basic no loo rolls because in the past kids drag them all round the site etc due to parents thinking kids can do just what they like including wrecking loos etc just because its only camping , she told me once there is a method in my madness those that stay come here for the right reasons those that dont and just want a cheap booze up go over the hill , we have 2 kids who adore it here no techno stuff just sand dune surfing on trays , fresh air , long walks and fab views , no music ,no bars piece and tranquility , back to nature , i think a few days is all you need here then kids would get bored , nothing has changed here and we have been camping here since 2002 , mind you we have a trailer tent so have elec hook up when we go so prob dont notice the probs others have when just in regular tent , you do need a torch for loo at night and take your own canister of water saves paying for washing up , lol , if your eccentric and dont want mod cons and enjoy listening to others playing guitars and making there own entertainment in eve its just perfect

Date visited: july 2011

Review by damien on 8th October, 2011

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We stayed here a few years ago and it was a bitter experience but decided to come back this year, in the naive hope that the lady who runs the site might have gone to pastures new... our hopes were dashed as we wound down the window and heard the screeching of said proprietress as she demanded money from the unfortunate family in front of us. People save up all year for a family holiday and to arrive at Llanmadoc campsite, anticipating a glorious holiday, only to realise you've arrived at somethinig you've only previously seen in Schindler's List must be devastating. We decided, having come this far, to stick it out but it was as bad as ever...cold showers, no loo paper, freezing water,brown things coming out of the walls - need I go on? The only highlight was the comedy that the mass of discontented campers derived from the situation, though, had it rained as well, there could well have been several suicides.

Date visited: july 2011

Review by Paul on 27th September, 2011

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Some people pay a premium for forms of abuse, this campsite should be listed in the S&M guide to camping. Avoid

Date visited: 26/08/11

Review by Louise Evans on 31st July, 2011

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I wish I had found this web page before going to this campsite, but saying that I am an optimistic person but all that is written is true unfortunately, because the site is in an idyllic spot but it is basic basic basic. The owner, has no management or people skills whatsoever. I spoke to some of her staff who were very nice, I feel very sorry for them having to work for such a ignorant person. .

Date visited: July 2011

Review by Laura Wilbraham on 2nd September, 2010

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After arriving 8.30pm after a long drive on a friday night we expected to simply book in, pay and get settled. The whole process took more than 1 hour and was very stressful. Some friends were running late (arriving 10pm) and she would not allow them to stay at all even thought we offered to pay and pitch their tent as the deadline for entering the site was 9.30pm (they had to stay in a travel lodge.) In addition the facilities were basic and not clean. You can only shower at specific times meaning long queues develop and it costs 50p each time you wash your dishes! Would definately NOT recommend this site.

Date visited: 28/08/10

Review by Jason Bishop on 7th June, 2010

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"Welcome to Staleg Luft", (this is what it should say on the sign at the gate) I think that the POWs at the real Staleg Luft probably got treated with more respect than you do as a paying guest at this place! This is by far the worst campsite that I have ever stayed at. At £28 per night for a caravan, I at least expected to be able to have a shower at any time of the day or night (if the fancy took me) and also to be able to go to the loo after 11pm without having to take a torch with me, (yes all power to the loos is cut after that time) I also do not expect to have to pay 50p to wash my dishes. Now these things alone, were bad enough, but the women who owns the place would have been over qualified for the SS in Nazi Germany. The lack of customer service and basic human respect was beyond me. The poor other members of staff who work for "Helga Geerhart" were all lovely however, but seemed afraid of their boss. It was a great shame, as the place is ideal for the family as far as the location, being only a few minutes walk to the beach. This is its only saving grace, and probably the only reason it stays in business, as generation after generation of blissful first timer inmates arrive at the site. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE! unless you are a sadist or want recreate the great escape. Just watch out for the hidden microphones and machine gun turrets!

Date visited: June 2010

Review by michelle on 5th June, 2010

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Well what can i say i live locally and thought i would support local farmers. Never again this was an expensive site for the facilities they offered. £19 a night to which the owner was very rude when we asked if we could pr book. facilities very basic. We went for walk on the beach and when we got back found all entrances to camp site locked not good. We booked for 2 nights as that was the mimimum but i could only stay for 1 due to my job so one of our other friends was staying the 2nd night. when arriving they were told they couldnt stay as it was not pre arranged we stated we payed for 2 nights with 2 adults they said it had to be same adults even though we gave no names. we had to pay a further £18 for our friend to stay another night. This is disgusting treatment and we shall not be returning to this site agian. Grass was also uncut and very unfriendly staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date visited: 5th jun 2010

Review by Fiona & Family on 29th May, 2009

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Despite the bad reviews we thought we'd give this site a go, as it was the only one not fully booked for the bank holiday weekend. However the reviews are very accurate. The toilet floors and sanitary fittings are cleaned once every couple of days, but there was a brown substance on the cubical walls that remained for the duration of our stay (5 days) the facilities look like they've been reclaimed (no real problem, but hardly rustic as the website claims)they're covered in cobwebbs & half eaten flys, & if your a lady over 5'6" you'll be able to look over the shower stalls to see which bit your neighbour's washing! We took our 10 month old, and had nowhere to bath him, in the end we used a plastic box in the "washing up" room. Having said all this, we had a lovely holiday, & I would go back, but not on a bank holiday or in high season. The showers are not open long enough for everyone to wash once a day!

Date visited: May 09

Review by Peter Beresford on 26th August, 2008

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Spent a wet bank holiday weekend at Llanmadoc with my family. Beautiful location and beach, but only worth going if you like to feel like a refugee, or if you are writing a novel about prisoners of war. You might also want to join the escape commitee, but be afraid, because you really don't want to be caught out of your tent after 10pm. Rubbish facities, abusive owner, hates men(and women). We may never recover from the experience. Any one want to buy a large family tent?

Date visited: 22nd to 25th August 08

Review by Tracey Wylde on 26th August, 2008

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I felt that there had been a major earthquake and this was the only place left to say it was basic is generous. No loo paper..showers that were obviously milking stalls...restricted showering times 8.30-11.00 and 4.30-8.00...locked with a big padlock outside these decent washing (personal hygiene facilities)...definitely no baby changing facilities...a shop that looked like it had been looted...archaic washing up facilities...(50p extra for a cup of hot water)......tents so close together that it felt like Glastonbury without the musci or the way I'd go back...shame because the beach was beautiful

Date visited: 22/08/08

Review by Catherine Jackson on 23rd August, 2008

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This campsite is expensive, particularly for the basic facilities provided (£16 per night for a small tent and two people plus an additional charge for paying by cheque of 30p per cheque, which is the only accepted payment method). No toilet roll is provided in the toilets. They were very basic, and not very clean, they were often smelly when I went to use them. The showers were very poor, the shower room itself was cold and only the middle showers had hot water. There were small children crying in showers adjacent to me because it was so cold. There were enough showers and toilets available to begin with, but over the bank holiday the owner crammed tents in like sardines and there were long queues for the showers, sinks and toilets. In addition, the showers are only open from 8.30am -11am, and 4pm -8.30pm, and the suggestion that this is to avoid day guests using the showers seems an unrealistic claim as it isn't a busy beach and there is only space for five cars on the carpark. It seems like the owner is trying to make money whereever possible, you even need to pay 50p if you want to get hotwater to wash up, and one 50p isn't usually enough, so expect to pay a pound everytime or boil your own water. If it is raining, don't go to this site, it rained heavily for a couple of days whilst we were there, and many people were getting stuck in the mud, and there isn't adequate car park space for all guests to leave their cars off the field. Plus, if you get muddy you won't be able to have a shower when you need to. The no noise rule after 10pm applies when it suits Mrs Price, she will happily break this rule to cram in another tent to make more money, we were kept awake till 1.30am whilst a tent setup a few feet away from us. Mrs Price is extremely friendly whilst she is taking your money, but once you have paid in advance and she has taken as much as she can get, she can be very uncooperative and rude. I think the site is possibly better for people in caravans, when you have your own washing facilities. It is a beautiful location, so it could be worth a stay for a couple of days, but I wouldn't stay there again. I have stayed on campsites that only have a toilet and a sink available, but the sites made me aware of what was available before we booked and charged an appropriate price. This site is charging way too much for what it offers and it isn't very friendly. The staff aren't very helpful, their main job seems to be checking that everyone has paid, they seem to walk the site at least once a day checking tent labels, Mrs Price wouldn't like for you to get anything for free. Locally there are very good facilities, there is a fantastic farm shop selling lamb bbq packs, the Greyhound Inn does amazing food, and it is only a 20-30min drive to a small supermarket. If you want a nice campsite on the Gower, I would reccomend Clyne Farm, I went there to do horse riding and other activities, and the camping facilities looked ace and the cost is £5 pp per night. And importantly to me, all of the staff were very friendly and helpful.

Date visited: August 2008

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