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Reviews of Crown Coffee & Gifts, Ashford

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Tetenterre on 19th November, 2007

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Finding myself in Wye at lunchtime, I thought I'd give it another chance and see if it had improved. I sat down and waited to be served. Nothing. I went up to the counter and asked the waitress for a menu, and told her that I needed something that was quick to prepare, as I had an appointment to make. She gave me a menu and said she would take my order at my table. I returned to my seat. Ten minutes later, she had not come to take an order (it's not as if the place was busy -- the staff were chatting for a lot of the time!). I left and got a sandwich from the Co-op instead.

Date visited: 6 Nov 2007

Review by Tetenterre on 26th January, 2007

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This was an abortive visit. I had previously had an espresso (acceptable, but nothing special) in there one Saturday morning. I noted that they offered tapas on Wednesday evenings. On Wednesday 24 Jan, having verified from this and a couple other web sites that they are open from 7pm on Wednesdays, I went to Wye with my family. Crown Coffee & Gifts was closed, lights out, dark, at 7:15pm. We walked around and returned later. It was still closed. Wasted journey. On my return home I emailed Crown Coffee & Gifts and stated (politely!) what had occurred. To date I have not even had the courtesy of an acknowledgement, far less an actual reply. If this is indicative of the level of customer care/service one can expect from Crown Coffee & Gifts, I shall take my custom elsewhere. A pity: Wye could do with the sort of facility that Crown Coffee & Gifts promises, but fails to deliver. Quite simply, this is not good enough.

Date visited: 24 January, 2007

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