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Reviews of Hotel Jerbourg, St Martins

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Review by Andrew Hynds on 9th July, 2007

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The Hotel Jerbourg is an excellent four star hotel at Jerbourg Point in the south of Guernsey, with views of Herm, Sark and Jersey on a clear day from most south-facing rooms. Based only 10 minutes drive from St Peter Port, the hotel is situated high upon the clift tops with great sea views. The staff can (regretably) seem somewhat pompous and arrogant, yet this can be overlooked. Sadly the hotel bar is rather under-stocked and has little (or no) atmosphere, not exactly the place one would go for a 'fun night out'. Guests should be aware (or indeed warned) of the sea mist / fog horn which sounds every 20 seconds during such coastal weather conditions. Rooms are fresh with small LCD televisions, receptionists are friendly and welcoming. Over all an enjoyable stay - except for the mist / fog horn! Oh yea .. gorgeous receptionist!

Date visited: 10-16th June 2007

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