
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Brook Tewkesbury Park Hotel, Golf & Country Club, Tewkesbury

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Review by Mrs kelly on 16th June, 2013

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Had a lovley day,apart from bein over charged ar the candy floss stall .....2 pounds for one candy floss,ehhhh!!! I hads my 2 grandsons with me so that cost me 4 pounds absolutley robbery it has put me off returning to the goose fair,oh my granfson luke planted a tub of parsley seeds with the help of a lovley lady at one of the stalls wich a would of willingly paid 2 pounds but she insisted no charge well what can i day

Date visited: 15th june 2013

Review by Anonymous on 26th October, 2009

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Good Points: Warm, comfortable, excellent surroundings, good value Bad Points: Desk lamp not working, no remote for TV

Date visited: 2009-10-26

Review by colin on 21st June, 2008

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good fun lot to do and see

Review by Vivienne on 14th May, 2008

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Good Points: The views from our window and the peace & quiet which enabled us to sleep with the window wide open (not something I usually find possible in a hotel). The quality of the fixtures & fittings. Bad Points: Nothing, it was lovely. General review: The whole weekend was a most enjoyable experience. The staff seemed to enjoy their work and without exception were friendly, helpful and attentive without being obtrusive. I was particularly impressed by the speed with which the tables were cleared of glasses & debris in the bar and reception area after guests had moved on. My single critism is the sand box for smokers outside the entry door to the rooms, which didn't appear to have been emptied during our stay.

Date visited: 2008-05-14

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