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Reviews of Elwy Dental Practice, Rhyl

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Review by Claire Davies on 24th December, 2014

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i used to be very happy at the dental practise mr MCcoobery was my dentist he was fantastic and very pleasent, i have seen differnt ones since he left none as good as he was, recently i developed an infection in my wisdom tooth i saw my dentist who didnt want to xray as iam 3 months pregnant she put me on a cousre of antibiotics which seemed to clear it hwever 2 days ago the infection flaired up worse than ever my dentist was on holl for christmas so i got an emergancy appointmen with a guy called marian explained my problem and his reply was what do you want me to do about it? you had antibiotics 3 weeks ago i cant give you more or xray your tooth, i said could you please do something iam in agony he put some packing thing on which honestly made it worse i couldnt believe it i was totally gobsmacked. the next day i had to go to an emergency dentist who did an xray and put an apron on to protect me and said its an pericorontis an infection in an impacted wisdom tooth that wouldnt have gone away without antibiotics. iam currently looking for another dental practise, one that wouldnt leave a pregneant lady in agony

Date visited: 22/12/14

Review by Daniel Hughes on 2nd January, 2009

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Elwy Dental Practice is often a good experiance for some or in some cases a bad experiance. however one thing I have noticed about this practice is that if you ring up to cancel an appointment you may not return to the same practice again.The practice does'nt seem to have a clear policy on decling patients and often dental practicioners often feel they are so superior with their qualifications that they feel the need to challenge you. my advice if you miss an appointment beacuse your ill , or have to pick up childern is to leave your children if you want to continue being a patient at the practice they think that all beacuse you have a appointment life it self has to stop they dont bear in mind that we ourself have to work to pay bills but i suppose that what you get with the practice is they only focus on capital and profit rather than quality of service.

Date visited: December 2008

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