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Reviews of Griffin Dental Practice, Hull

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Review by lynne swales on 4th June, 2008

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i would just like to thank dr john kee cho for his kindness throughout my visits to the dentist. and most of all a great big thank you to laura dr cho's dental nurse what a star. she was like a breath of fresh air and in my opinion a valuable asset to the practice. i cannot thank her enough. so if your reading this laura thanks your a star regards lynne

Date visited: april 2008

Review by Linda McIntyre on 1st October, 2007

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I plan to return to Hull and am really hoping that I will be able to return to the Griffin Practice under Mr Boff. A year ago I moved back to my home town in Scotland and having registered here realised how lucky we were in having a dentist as good as Mr Boff. He made my children feel relaxed and even my two year old would open her mouth for him willingly. Unfortunately she refuses to do this with our current dentist who has yet to gain my confidence. I always had a terrible fear of the dentist stemming from childhood and I would shake and be so nervous on attending them. Mr Boff reasurred me and continually enquired to how I was feeling and always explained everything. I always considered an injection at the dentists to be painful until I had one from Mr Boff and I didnt even realise he had finished! He truly is a remarkable dentist who knows his occupation well. Mr Boff and his assistant are a great team.

Date visited: 01.10.07

Review by Sue Dixon on 19th October, 2006

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The staff who looked after have always been caring and professional. I really have a problem with any dentist I do not sleep the night before and an physically sick the morning before I attend a check up. I outlined my problem to the staff there and it was noted. I was encouraged to have a filling without anasthetic to build my conficence in attending a dentist. I would not xchange practice even though it is a 52 mile round trip to attend. I cannot speak highly enough of Dr Szuba and her assistant who I do not know the name of. Thankyou both

Date visited: 19.10.06

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