
It is important to remember that for every bad review there are probably lots of satisfied customers. These reviews are the comments of individual visitors to Information Britain and have not been authenticated by us. They should not be taken as the views of Crawbar Ltd - publishers of this web site.

Reviews of Chiddingstone Castle, Edenbridge

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Review by Janet on 8th November, 2010

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I visited this florist on the 6th November 2010, at around teatime, and purchased some sunflowers at the cost of £10.00, as I wanted them for a friend to which I was giving on Sunday, I put them in water, but by around 9.00pm Saturday evening, the heads had bent and the leaves had gone all limp, so I took them back to the shop Sunday, but unfortunately they were closed, and I could not take them back Monday as we were only in Ilkley for the weekend, I ended up throwing them away and going to M&S for some more floweres at a cost of another £10.00, I will not be buying any more flowers from there. Janet

Date visited: 6th November 2010

Review by Harold Jacubowitz on 27th July, 2008

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15 years ago I had visited Chiddingstone and found it a very rich, interesting collection of Japanese, Mesopotamian, Egyptian and other fine arts on display. Then it "disappeared" from public eye and many years later I tried 3 times to visit it again but was turned down as it was either closed or only availablke for groups of 20 or more etc... This year I finally managed to visit the collections again and to my dismay, it has dwindled to nearly nothing!!! not even a third of the previous collections are displayed. A seriously disappointing castle. The excuses from staff sounded hollow and not very credible.

Date visited: July 2008

Review by Sue Quilter on 26th October, 2007

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I love this shop! I live in the South but have relatives in the area and I send flowers from Jacaranda aprroximately six or seven times a year. Everyone has always been thrilled with the flowers they have received. When I visit my relatives I always buy flowers from the shop and I am always pleased with the selection they have.

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