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Reviews of AP Lewis, Reading

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Review by Poli on 29th March, 2014

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They de-registered me on the day of appointment without citing any specific reasons. I have been their very old patient and never ever gave then any trouble, no arguments or nothing of that sort. They just cited very unprofessionally that they are de registering me because I am late for the appointment!!!! No prior warning or any hints of a sort! Doctor didn't even see me let alone talk to me on the phone and explain me properly why has he decided to registered me suddenly. I was just sent back from the reception. I felt very insulted. This is unbelievable!!!

Date visited: 2013

Review by G on 19th September, 2011

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I agree their POOR phone response is ridiculous they just will not pick up, no matter what line one uses! There is a saying in the USA, "If a phone Rings more than three times it's not a business you should be dealing with !" Words to that effect, well that's half of the UK business ! Their phone has been ringing for 30 minutes already and still NO answer ! :(

Date visited: Feb 2011

Review by MrsMerson on 27th October, 2010

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I have been with this dentist for a few years and I have had a few problems with them. Like the fact that I can never get through on the phones to make an appointment. It is now wednesday and I have been ringing since monday and haven't managed to get through yet and I'm in agony! I had the same problem when my son needed a dentist and I ended up taking him to a dentist right across town as the earliest emergency appointment they could get him was almost a week later. It's pretty bad service if you ask me.

Date visited: 27/10/10

Review by Roz on 8th February, 2010

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If like me you've left your visit to the dentist for so long that you are no longer registered, don't worry A.P Lewis are on hand. Not only are they accepting new NHS patients but they offer quick appointments including Saturday and Eves. Staff are very professional and have the knack at putting you at ease, a definite plus when visiting the dentist. Don't let the costs be prohibitive, I have had a lot of repair work done and with a capped price (no pun ntended!! )let me assure you it did'nt break the bank. 6 monthly checks a date for my diary.

Date visited: 30th January 2010

Review by heather on 27th January, 2010

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Dont know what everyones complaining about. I had a bad tooth and couldnt find an NHS dentist that would see me in a hurry but I managed to get a cancellation slot with AP Lewis. All the staff seemed really nice and were really helpful and polite. I had my teeth checked and have since returned and had my problem sorted.

Date visited: 06.01.10

Review by Kate on 3rd July, 2009

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I have been visiting this dental practice for 5 years, since moving to Reading. We have had 2 different dentists at this practice and when I made our appointment I was told it would be another dentist! So on Monday it was with some trepidation that we went to see yet another dentist. However she was really nice as was her dental assistant. They were cheerful and friendly. I have to agree though with other comments about the receptionist. They are dreadful. They can be quite abrupt. And as for trying to get through for an appointment then patience is most definitely a virtue with this practice!! If you don't mind having to re-dial several times, and you need an NHS dentist then try to see past the reception area & staff to the actual dentistry staff as they are excellent. I checked the clock in reception too, after reading another comment and it was accurate this week - maybe they decided to stop using that excuse!

Date visited: 29/06/09

Review by Steven on 31st May, 2009

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well what can i say every where i go either the dentist or the hospital im scared!! but who isnt??!! But At Ap Lewis Every Member of Staff are professional to the highest standard the receptionist are polite on the phone they deal with your appointment bookin straight away!! then u get the dentist well i haden't been to the dentist in a while i used to go across the road at the sedation clinic!! but when i joined Ap Lewis this year i was amazed at how relaxin it feels to sit there in the dentists chair and for them to talk to you like a normal human being!! none of that language you get at the hospital they all talk to each other with!! my dentist is fabulous cant ask for a better dentist and well what can i say his Dental nurse makes you feel welcome !! from when she comes and gets you shes talkin to you makin u feel safe and less nervous !!! i cant believe what an amazin practice they have there and the stafff are amazing tooo I cannot wait to go back for my appointment in October!!

Date visited: 14th April 2009

Review by Rhiannon on 8th January, 2009

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I'm surprised by all the bad press - i hadn't been to a dentist for a while as I am nervous but when I got an infection and went to see my old dentist in Tilehurst she left me terrified ("My god! you have the gums of a 90 year old - they'll need a load of work!" and "You'll need to have those wisdom teeth taken out and you won't have it done under GA but concious in the dentists chair - but you wish you weren't scared now."!!!) I knew I couldn't go back there. AP Lewis was the only dentist that would fit me in before xmas and the lady dentist I saw was brilliant. She helped keep me calm and was a complete sweetie. Took her time and re-assured me, explained everything she was doing and why. I was so impressed and was happy to recommend to my mum who is also very nervous of the dentists chair!

Date visited: November 2008

Review by Tom on 30th December, 2008

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My (excellent)dentist left this practice a few months ago. His replacement charged me £100 to fix a £40 filling, the nurse dropped the vacuum hose on the floor then tried to use it on me without cleaning it, the filling crumbled after 3 weeks and my complaint letter was ignored. I am now looking for another dentist.

Date visited: October 2008

Review by gemma haines on 1st December, 2008

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i had 2 treatment appiontments cancelled due to system crashing, noone telephoned to say it had been cancelled, i had to travel from shinfield to reading town center to find this out, i was left with 2 teeth needing root canal, when i finally got to see a dentist, she advise me there was nothing she could do for my teeth but extract them, im petrified of dentists and had the doctor perscribe me some diazepam to calm my nerves, so now was i not only off my face and no dental treatment but i had to go home and manage 3 children like that! i then managed to get another appiontment for monday 24th november, but had an absess in my tooth, 3rd time in 6 months id like to add! i advised the lady on the fone who was very rude and unconsiderate of my absess and she just simply told me monday AND PUT THE FONE DOWN ON ME!! i had to go to my gp to get antibiotics to sort my absess out!! when i arrived in the dental surgery on the monday i noticed that there clock is 5 minuets faster than everyones fones, watches ect, the woman with glasses behind the desk who i recall to be the rude woman on the fone, tryed to cancel my appointment and rebook as i was 5 minuets late, with this i got a bit angry and she went to ask the dentist if he would see me, i got my treatment and he didnt pull my teeth, infact he has told me the last dentist was wrong to tell me there was nothing she could do for that tooth, i dont know about u guys reading this but i suggest if u like getting told 2 different things, LEFT IN PAIN and cancelled for being 5 minuets late by THIER clock then join this just waiting for a dentist to open up in shinfield in january and then i will be leaving this rudley run practise,

Date visited: 24th november 08

Review by Quenrede Price on 6th October, 2008

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My husband and I had been trying to make an appointment for over a month but we were unsuccessful since the phone was either continually engaged or not being answered no matter what time of day or evening. We even went to the dentist's receptionist who at the time complained that the system was down. There was no offer to call us once the sytsem was up and running. My treatment has now been delayed for over a month as the dentist is away on holiday. We have become exceedingly frustrated at the lack of consideration for the patients.

Date visited: 2nd October, 2008

Review by Graham Wicks on 9th September, 2008

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I visited yesterday to have 5 teeth extracted. The next appointment was booked for today at 4.45, and when I arrived I was told that I could not be treated because the computer system had crashed. This was totally unacceptable, I had taken two days off work especially for the dental treatment, and I find the whole dental experience traumatic anyway. The receptionist was extremely rude and unhelpful, and whilst I appreciate that computer systems do crash, this was to be the second day of my treatment and the appointment had been made and the dentist should have been expecting me. It would have been helpful to me if I could have at least seen the dentist and he could have checked that my extractions were OK. It is very disappointing, but I could not recommend the practice to anyone.

Date visited: 9.9.2008

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