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Reviews of Orchard House Health Centre, Stirling

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Nicola on 5th April, 2012

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I was treated very badly at my visit to Orchard house by both a Nurse and a Doctor. I wouldn't advice anyone visit there, Stirling Royal is a far better clinic to visit. I felt so much more comfortable there and was spoken to with respect and like the 23 year old adult I am. Which is more than can be said for the way I was spoken to there. I was so distraught I decided to write a letter of complaint which as expected got nowhere. Apparently it is perfectly acceptable to speak to a patient rudely. When all the NHS do is complain about the way patients speak to Doctors/Nurses. They don't acknowledge the way we are spoken to. They also resorted to lying to whom was investigating my complaint by saying I was rude to the receptionist. May I add all I said to this woman was 'Can I have the doctor who seen me's name please'. Bullshit to cover their own backs. Why bother giving us a way to complain, if we are not going to be taken seriously. It's a disgrace that the NHS is like this, in this day and age. I am disgusted with the staff I seen that day and feel sorry for anyone who has to come into contact with these ignorant and arrogant people in the future! You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Date visited: Feb

Review by tanya on 13th April, 2011

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I have no complaints with my doctors or health visitors as they are friendly, welcoming and proffesional. My only complaint is with a specific receptionist who i have complained about several times regarding her manorisms when speakin to me and the intimate questions she feels the right to ask before she will give you an appointment. The final straw has now come as i am 5 and a half months pregnant and have been suffering from a fever, dehydration and a severe kidney infection for weeks due to her incompetence, ignorance and sheer neglegence. When the surgery was called over a fortnight ago by my mother who asked for an emergeny appointment as i was in agony she was told by the receptionist that it sounded like it was just a kidney infection, when the receptionist was told i was pregnant she replied we "We dont do emergency appointments, i can fit her in in about a fortnight." I find this extremely unjust and think she has no right to decide who sees their doctor, as a result of her incompetency i had to call NHS 247 who then told me to go to the nearest hospital within 4 hours to recieve treatment. However the fortnight or so i have been ill, pregnant and looking after my 3 year old son as a single mum should never have been allowed. I write my comments here because my complaints to the surgery have not been dealt with what so ever. I am appauled at this situation.

Date visited: 00/00/11

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