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Reviews of St George's Medical Centre, Sheerness

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Review by Robert Holmes on 7th January, 2008

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I sypathise with doctors centres today, they do have a lot of legislation to contend with. Government targets stipulate that no patient should wait more than 48 hours for an appointment with their GP, and I believe there are financial penalties for any centre which does not meet these standards. Unfortunately, a certain amount of creative thinking has been applied here and as such, I find that many surgaries across the country, not just St Georges, refuse to make appointments for people more than 48 hours in advance. This means that technically they meet their targets. Anyway, when you do get an appointment, I find St Georges to be very professional, very nice people to deal with and their doctors have always proven to be very good, for me and my family at least. The surgary is clean and modern and a nice place to be, when you need to be there that is.

Date visited: 7th January 2007

Review by Mrs G on 21st October, 2007

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I work full time and because of the nature of my job, cannot get time off unless I prebook it several weeks in advance, and there are times, when, although you are not too poorly to go to work, but still in need of medication etc, and for me to get an appointment on a few rare occasions, was practically impossible. Also, I cannot ring at the time they say, 8am? in the morning, so by the time I can ring, all the appointments are gone. I would like to see the old system brought back, where you could ring up for an appointment for next week, or the week after. Systems these days are all to geared up for all those people that are either too sick to go to work and therefore can go to the doctor on that same day, or for the people that have nothing better to do than sit at home all day long instead of working for a living.

Review by Mrs J Collins on 5th September, 2007

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I dont think the surgery is managed efficiently, due to a very recent experience i needed to pre book an appointment but the receptionists were not allowed by doctors decisions. i was told to ring back on the day of the appoinment to which i wanted (the following wednesday), so i waited the whole week and phoned on the following wednesday and believe it or not they were fully booked! i was extremely aupset by this as i had followed all of their instructions to get my appointment and was turned down at every avenue. it is not any patients fault that the doctors decide to only have two in the practice, if as is the case, that lots of people want appoinments then get more doctors in. also is it not logical that if a patient prebooks an appointment then they are obviously not urgent to be seen, therefore if someone needs an urgetn appointment then they call on the day?

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