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Reviews of The Friarsgate Practice, Winchester

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Ann Parkhouse on 26th September, 2011

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Firstly on the subject of the 084 no. Having recently moved back to the area, the only phone I had was a mobile. It cost me £5 to TRY to phone the Surgery for an appointment. I say try because I never got through, I was waiting, waiting, waiting. In the end I put the phone down. Secondly having recently relocated from France where I had excellent health care, I went to the dr at Friarsgate, Weeke with my x ray reports. I told the dr., what they more or les said. I was told I could be referred to a Specialist if I had translations of the xray reports. The dr. didn't know how to get this done, and suggested Reception area. Reception area passed me on to Local Health Authority. They told me it was the dr's responsibility and I would be telephoned by her. I was not phoned. So recently started all over again, only to go through the same procedure, dr. didn't know and further said it was nothing to do with GP. Reception didn't know, but this time Health Authority said, there was a Translation Service via the Admin Dept at Friarsgate. Also though, when visiting the dr I was told that an appointment had been made for me to have physio therapy, but I hadn't attended. I never received any communication that I had an appointment. Apparently it takes about 8 weeks to get an appointment. In France, I would have got an appointment within 3 days. In fact every village has a physiotherapist and you just call in with the dr's prescription and make an appointment. Of course I could pay for private physiotherapy here.

Date visited: 26/09/2011

Review by Mike Davies on 6th August, 2008

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Beware. Did you know that there is only one telephone number on which you can phone Fiarsgate Practice. It is a premium rate 0844 number for which you will be charged 9p per minute. An elderly client of ours recently spent 6 minutes trying to book an appointment with a Doctor, most of the time being put on hold "waiting to connect". Its interesting to note that once the 0844 number was introduced the 01962 (local rate) number was withdrawn. So much for a FREE NHS!! M. Davies Age Concern Winchester

Date visited: 1 August 2008

Review by hopes on 22nd July, 2008

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I have just been told the first possible appointment for a simple ear syringe is 7th August. This inordinate delay is typical of the dreadful service one has been conditioned to expect from a Practice which, until approx. 2 years ago, was exemplary in the service it gave. I have seen Dr. Sylvester, at Badger's Farm surgery, and he has assured me that there is extra staff and extra hours are being worked. I see no evidence of this, to get an appointment at Friarsgate requires a wait of weeks. I have been a client of Friarsgate since 1967 and am appalled at the falling standards of care. I have never been a troublesome or demanding patient and would welcome some consideration. I look forward to a reply to this message, Jean G.Hopes

Date visited: 14 July 2008

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