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Reviews of Blackford House Medical Centre, Bury

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by H C Thetford on 18th May, 2007

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This surgery compares very well to others in the the area. Although it is VERY difficult to get through on the phone, you can almost always manage to get an appointment to see a doctor at short notice. The repeat prescription line is always engaged too (I fax my requests in and they are always dealt with promptly and correctly). This well-managed centre also takes plenty of advance bookings - unlike many others, which is great if you work and don't want to join the millions of people across the country calling at 8.30 on the day you want an appointment. My only gripe is that the toilet is situated in the waiting room and has to be unlocked by a member of staff - a major problem for privacy when you have to give samples. Nice, clean and modern building too.

Date visited: April 2007

Review by Dawn Foy on 10th January, 2007

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I find this surgery very clean and quite well ran, there could be a few improvements on some things though, ie, when you ring to make an appointment it is hard to get someone to answer the phone it can ring for several minutes without any answer at all, you can try again several times without any answer whatsoever. also the precription line is always engaged, i have now been ringing for 2 days with no joy at all, now i am going to have to go into the surgery and order it which is inconvenient, this could do with being looked at and resolved Dawn Foy

Date visited: 10.01.07

Review by Victor Isaacs on 20th December, 2006

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A nice clean, well run surgery. Busy but not exceptionally so. Only downside is you never know which doctor you are seeing, prefer to have same one, si he/she gets to know you.

Date visited: Various

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