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Reviews of Marybrook Medical Centre, Berkeley

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Review by HH on 29th November, 2011

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I really tried to think of reasons why my relatives were having trouble with getting satisfaction from this surgery. And until I eventually had to deal with them myself, I thought perhaps my relatives were just not using the service appropriately, not giving the right info etc, as I work at a surgery myself and know how difficult things can be at times. But due to the decline in my relatives condition, I have had to deal with this surgery on a number of occasions, and I have to say, the surgery is VERY difficult to deal with to the point where a persons life is at risk. Receptionists saying they will get a District Nurse to come and do a blood pressure when the person needs admitting for cardiac problems; refusal of new cardiac drugs when requested 1 week after discharge because the surgery cannot find a discharge letter (it would be normal to chase the discharge letter - not tell the pt they cannot have their medications)and as a result the person went without new cardiac medications for 1 week! Blood tests not acted upon. I am embarrassed to say that I work for the NHS when this GP surgery is giving such poor service. I have spoken to the manager, but not got any feed back. Disappointing.

Date visited: many

Review by Mr Ken betts on 10th May, 2011

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5 weeks of being completely IGNORED on this particular occassion.I'm hardly ever illl , but whenever I go here, they fail to deliver ..always! Misinformation given at front desk. Dr Walsh who I 'was' assigned to, can never really be bothered, and always says" hey you're fine,bye then" and doesn't take any interest or action. the locumb doctor I recently saw says he referred me to a foot four weeks news yet. and that is NOT unusual for this place. The appointments are completely broken when I arrive 2 minutes late , but the appointment time if you arrive in set back 15 to 35 minutes...

Date visited: 10/5/11

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