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Reviews of Finchcocks, Goudhurst

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Alastair Stuart on 8th May, 2007

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If you are to charge a £1 "deposit" for the use of a trolley, you should ensure that there is available a means of recovering it in the car-park. Yesterday, I took a trolley with shopping to car-park Level 1, only to find that in one trolley park there was one trolley of a different size which was incapable of releasing my coin while in the other there was no trolley at all. Surely it is not beyond the skills of your management to ensure that there is atleast one trolley of each type available to park alongside and release the coin. I needed the coin to feed the car-park machine, so I had to take the trolley back up to the shop level to recover it. I was not impressed. Alastair Stuart.

Date visited: May 7, 2007

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Probably the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing-fields of Eton, but the opening battles of all subsequent wars have been lost there - George Orwell
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National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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