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Reviews of Longfield Medical Centre, Maldon

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Review by l. carter on 17th May, 2007

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APPALLING DOCTORS. I received a letter from the surgery saying that my blood test results were back and showed I had glandular fever, so to make another appointment immediatley. I made an appointment with Dr Carr, and taking my letter with me, when he asked what wrong, I said that I have glandular fever. His reply to this was: "no you don't, don't be so silly" when I showed him the letter, he looked it up on his computer screen and said "ok, perhaps you do" I was genuinely shocked. This is the worst Doctors surgery I have ever been to.

Date visited: May 2006

Review by Paul Cooke on 1st February, 2007

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Just phoned to try and see a doctor as I am in terrible pain and discomfort along with a temperature. I said to the receptionist that I badly need to see a doctor so could I come along at end of surgery and I would be prepared to wait. The receptionist in her monotonal voice said I would have to ring in the morning or make an appointment for NEXT WEEK. When I pleaded with her that I was too worried to wait for the following day she just repeated word for word what she had just said. DISGRACEFUL !!

Date visited: pending 2/2/07

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