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Reviews of Hythe Brasserie, Hythe

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Laurie Coppersmith on 24th August, 2008

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Didn't have any idea what to expect because we booked on spec. This is a compact but pleasant and modern eaterie just off the High Street. Run by a family of French Moroccans the service was as pleasant and friendly as you might expect from people of North African origin who are renowned for their hospitality. But the 2 brothers who did the serving showed a remarkable facility for failing to catch your eye despite the fact that it is a small place. At first our feeling of relaxation allowed us to overlook this failing but in the end I did start to get a bit irritated. But thank goodness the food was really lovely so our total experience was not spoiled. Because of the origin of the proprietors I chose the tagine which was truly delicious. A number of people dining must have been regulars judging by the familiarity between customer and proprietor which is a good sign. Despite the inadvertant lack of attention we had an enjoyable evening and came away believing we had good value for money.

Date visited: 23/08/08

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