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Reviews of Brothaigh House, Edinburgh

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Florrie Laker on 29th September, 2006

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Thank goodness for the Edinburgh Tourist Office who directed me to Lennie.... We stayed two nights, it was wonderful! Lennie is hilarious, caring and warm (his wife was away shopping in London so we never met her). I'd recommend to anyone - EVEN Italians.... seeing as I was travelling with one, who is somewhat demanding to put it mildly... and the BH delighted him - no mean achievement! Sorry about all the Chocolate Eclairs that went missing in the hallway... he thought they were wonderful... and adores hot chocolate as well, not to mention how many packets of shortbread he bought to take home with him. Planning to go back as soon as possible.

Date visited: November 2005

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I am acquainted with no immaterial sensuality so delightful as good acting - Lord Byron
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