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Reviews of Fairways, Chingford

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Eugene Vesey on 23rd September, 2007

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Don't go there on a Sunday afternoon if you just want to watch the big game! It's crowded with 'diners' and they take precedence in the landlord's eyes. He wouldn't let us sit at the table nearest the screen we wanted to watch. He only reluctantly put the volume up, so it was still barely audible. Then he opened the curtains, without a word of apololgy, thus spoiling the picture. When I complained, his response was: 'You know the setup here. There are lots of other screens. I have to look after my diners.' Charming! I've never felt so unwanted or undervalued in any public house. Pity, because it's a lovely place and I've been going there twenty years or more. But in future I'll be taking my custom elsewhere.

Date visited: 23.9.07

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Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair - William Blake
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Botany Bay Founded - 1788, Rugby Football Union Formed - 1871, Gordon Killed at Khartoum - 1885, John Logie Baird gives first demonstration of television - 1926
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