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Reviews of Fat Cat Cafe Bar, Bangor

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Review by T A Burley on 5th May, 2007

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As a veggie i generally think fat cats bar provides nice options for the vegetarian, i love their curry and mac cheese with leeks, v. tasty. Their veggie options of the ciabbattas are also tasty, and believe that the prices are fair. It would be nice if fat cats provided maybe more veggie options though.. but dont get me wrong, they are so much better than most places, their options are also original rather than offering the usual veggie lasagnia. While loving the setting and staff at fat cats, I think its a shame,however, that since the smoking ban, fat cats secluded eating area at the rear of the bar has been effected for the transportation of smokers in an out of the beer garden, this area will be avoided by myself for eating in the future as nobody wants to eat in a draught.

Date visited: 04.05.07

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