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Reviews of Marton Manor Cottages, Bridlington

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Mrs Helena Brumpton_Surgey and Mr Bryan Surgey on 19th June, 2010

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The cottages had not been in business long when my husband and I honeymooned in the SHIRE cottage, and we came back the following year on our 1st anniversary, this time accompanied by my daughter, so we stayed in the PERSIMON. Both times were we warmly welcomed, and loved our stay. I have been holidaying in this area since the mid 1980's with my parents, so saw the gradual developments of the cottages. What was a treat was visiting here again on a day trip on our 10th wedding anniversary, 17/6/2010, and the lady of the manor, remembered us and gave us a warm welcome. A milestone on that day for her too, as we dined in the cafe, newly opened to the public that day. We look forward to holidaying at Marton Manor, hopefully in the near future, and I heartilly reccommend the cottages, and they are in the perfect location for enjoying the east yorks coastline, and the gateway to the moorlands, north of flamborough. One day we hope to move to this area for good.!

Date visited: 17/6/2000 and 16/6/2001 and 17/6/2010

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