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Reviews of The Tiltyard, Kenilworth

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Jonathan Loxely on 19th June, 2006

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I recently visited kenilworth for some rest from my occupation and noticed a small pub on Leyes Lane. I entered it and like something out of a western, the pub went quiet and everyone turned to look at me. The staff were rude and unobliging and after half an hour or so I had to leave. The beer was expensive and lacked choice and a bearded man at the pool table shouted repeatedly insults to me and others around me. I shall not be travelling to the Tiltyard again for this reason. Yours truthfully Jonathan Loxely (the place, logo and sampling designs, Dunchurch)

Date visited: 18/06/06

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I do detest everything which is not perfectly mutual. - Lord Byron
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National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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