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Reviews of Black Bull, Wark

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by gloria on 10th June, 2014

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the pub is now under new management and the tel no now is 014340230318

Date visited: 10/6/2014

Review by Paul Sailsman on 4th February, 2010

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Although I did not spend much time during my stay it was a short visit to see long time friend and then owner of the Black Bull Minnie Walton and some of my childhood friends Bruce Walton, Billy Telfer, Tony & Gordon Menzies, Peter Dixon, John Proudlock, Anthony Johnson who's family ran the village farm and my cousin Adi Coker from the forrestry department. The warm and friendly nature of the people of Wark will always remain with me. I plan to visit later in the year and would highly recommend your establishment and any other in and around Wark to anyone who loves the quiet coutryside, the village and most of all it's people.

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