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Reviews of Crooked Billet, Marlow

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by John on 4th August, 2008

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Not a review, just a memory Having been a resident at the National service hostel at Flackwell heath in 1947/8; now gone I should imagine, we often visited your public house walking across the golf course to indulge in your vintage cider, called Scrumby or something like. In fact I am ashamed to say we used to take the new girls to the hostel for a drink, asking do you want? Gin whisky rum? The answer was always; No nothing to strong, our reply was, you don’t want that ‘weak cider stuff’; of course the answer was always; Yes, it must be like lemonade. I might add we were only young men just out of the war, None of the girls suffer any harm. Well, not too many. Happy days

Date visited: approx' 1947/8

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National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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