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Reviews of The Swinley, Ascot

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Kay Jones O on 30th June, 2009

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Last week my brother and I took our Mother back to visit Ascot after nearly 60 years since she had lived there. Stopped at the Gold Cup and the owner Will was very hospitable to us and especially to my mother. He remembered a lot of the people that mother had known and actually went and phoned an old lady who lived down the road from his pub and got mother invited to visit her. Mother had known her away back when. We were amazed at the trouble he took for us. He had known my father and his brothers growing up. But not in many places nowadays would you find anyone so helpful to strangers as Will was. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit more so because of his kindness and the time out he took to talk to us. Hopefully, someday we will return.

Date visited: 21st June 2009

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I have seen great intolerance shown in support of tolerance. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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