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Reviews of Shades Nightclub, Leighton Buzzard

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Review by dennis claypipe McEwan on 13th February, 2007

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Hi, I am new to this town, I only moved here last week and went to shades for the first time this weekend just gone. I LOVE IT!!! i met so many great people in there -. I read the review of paul smith and his breakdancing is beyond belief!!! he stood on his head and moved along on it but he lost some hair as well. finally, the bouncers are salt of the earth - . peace

Date visited: sat 10th feb

Review by DJ Tangent on 13th February, 2007

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I am a well know local disk jockey from Leighton Buzzard you may well have heard of me DJ Tangent!! I go to shades regular to dance to the druming beats with by white gloves and whistle brup bruuuuup. I love the drum & bass man it makes me buzz, mixing it up on the decks there is no feeling like it!!! I have a massive crew my bessie mate Tom Meechem he keeps it real you get me! he loves the drum and bass and is my number one fan he comes to all my gigs and carry's my record bag he also has a t-shirt with my pictue on it saying number 1 DJ! Anyhow I best go as making a wicked demo so DJ Tangent signing out massive!!!

Date visited: 13.2.07

Review by Luckus on 9th February, 2007

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I just wanted to spread the word on what a fantastic time I had in shades last week, I danced the night away to the banging beats the DJ there is brilliant. I even got to wear my MK lightening fleece I felt the cooliest kid in there. Oh my god I love to dance and shades is the best place to bust some moves with you mates me and my mates are going to be proper regulars, so get yourselfs down there you may see me in the middle of the dance floor giving it.

Date visited: 09/02/07

Review by Paul Smith on 9th February, 2007

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As you can see i havent visited Shades since the above date. I used to love cutting rug, shaking my groove and breakdancing. I havent been in such a long time because i injured myself while doing the 'Moonwalk' this is because on occasions the floor gets really sticky. As i was doing the 'Moonwalk' i got stuck fell over backwards and banged my head on a pillar, this is probably what has caused my speech impediment and disfigurement. This is why i dont show my face in public anymore, i have had several plastic surgery procedures but i still cannot show my face. However the times i had at Shades before this happened to me were brilliant, i met loads of men and went on loads of dates with them. I now have a loving boyfriend because of Shades and i will always thank them for that.

Date visited: 26/3/1997

Review by Tom Meecham on 2nd February, 2007

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I think Shades nightclub is the best. I especially like the bouncers (so friendly & not at all like your typical meat heads-i work at connells!) I enjoy going to shades every friday & saturday nights with the mate Phil Winn who is a very famous DJ within the town. Respect!!!!!

Date visited: 2/2/07

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