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Reviews of Gatton House, West Lulworth

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Review by christine everett on 17th June, 2009

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probably one of the nicest festivals in the north east of england. have attended for many years, ever since our son was a little boy and we all enjoyed it. dad loved the live music, I enjoyed the crafts, and our son loved the zip rides, lumberjack demos, archery and mock battles. There was something for everyone at this festival and it is in such a beautiful setting. We are immensely disappointed that it is not going to go ahead again this year. I am also very surprised that it is not advertised widely, as every year I have trouble finding out about it, unless I use the internet, and not everyone has accesss to a computer. Although whenever we have been in the past, it has been very well attended, I feel that you would get even more people through the woods if it were mentioned on local tv perhaps, as they do with the kite festival in Washington, which incidentally , is not nearly as good as chopwell forest festival. I know it is probably too late to do anything this year, but pleeeeeeese can it go ahead in 2010, as we are having withdrawal symptoms. I

Date visited: july 2007

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