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Reviews of Kilvrecht Campsite, Kinloch Rannoch

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Review by I Cowie on 14th October, 2007

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We have visited Kilvrecht for almost 30 years--on and off. From tents to tent trailers to tiny caravan to better caravan with all mod cons and to (most recently ) Camper van. It is a magic site --never had any problems with noisy campers. Now we are Pensioners my only wish is that there was a better Radio And TV signal. Our two boys--now grown men , also have a great fondness for this site and we all hope that it is kept as it is in the future as we hear stories of developement at the Rannoch school.

Date visited: Numerous

Review by Helen Grierson on 12th June, 2007

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We have visited Kilvrecht Camp Site for 16 years. To start with we attended with our children and now with our grandchildren. The site is the tranquil setting advertised, the facilities are clean and the warden very friendly. Weekends can be noisier than during the week, you just have to accept that people are relaxing over a drink and enjoying themselves, children are also very exited and as is a childs nature, noisy. If people don't like this don't go camping, or go to one of the regimented and growing in number child free camp sites. To see the advantages of this site go to the loch shore and see the mess left by campers, caravaners and mobilehome owners who think £6 a night is too much. They leave food and toilet waste making it impossible to take young children to the shore, and allow the waste to enter the water course. Kilvrecht camp site is perfect.

Date visited: 12/05/07

Review by Pete McDougall on 14th August, 2006

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As ever, we found Kilvrecht quiet and tranquil. No cars racing around, no mad people. After spending the weekend at Belladrum for the Tartan Heart Festival (one of the best rock music festivals around) we headed to Kilvrecht to chill out and recover from the weekend. Kilvrecht allowed that to happen wonderfully. After a very very quiet night and a long lie in, we were up the yellow trail after brunch. Saw three dragonflies and an eagle soaring. Picked some blaeberries in the scorching sun and headed back to the motorhome for yet more R&R. Will definately be back soon, it's such a cool wee place and for six quid a night, it's a complete bargain. Well done to the warden who keeps the place clean and attractive. p.s. the other person complaining should have called the police, there is a great mobile phone signal at Kilvrecht. I would have as they are best people to deal with neds and nutters. Don't be put off at all, Kilvrecht is a fine site, and better than many 'supervised' hellholes we have stayed in.

Date visited: 13 August 2006

Review by Fewster on 30th July, 2006

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We chose your site because of the peace and quiet your web page promised. We arrived on Thursday to a lovely quiet campsite which seemed to live up to your description. On the Friday we went for a long walk and came back to our motorhome and were preparing our evening meal when two cars arrived racing round the campsite at top speed and finally coming to rest nearby. Unfortunately more were to follow. Doors slammed music from the cars was left on, children spilled out and proceeded to shout at the top of their voices. After that the following happened. Children continued to scream and shout and run around the campsite and surrounding woods well into the early hours of the morning. Branches were ripped off the surrounding trees to light large campfires close to other tents. Parents got drunk and made a noise until early in the morning. In the morning one of the woman got out of her tent, pulled down her trousers and in full view of other campers urinated beside her tent (despite the toilets being only 50 yards away). When my husband went to the gents two of the men were cursing and swearing obviously still hung over from the night before. We packed up that morning and moved off the site, we had been intending to stay for 5 days. If this is an example of the peace and quiet promised by yourselves we will not be coming back and will be sticking to supervised sites. By the way we are not prejudiced towards campers as we used to do a lot of camping before buying the motorhome as we are keen hill walkers, but this moronic behaviour is enough to put us off sites which allow tents. We are members of the Camping and Caravan Club which you now have connections with and I shall be sending them a letter about this. Perhaps charging people a bit extra in order to pay someone to be on site to supervise what goes on would not be a bad idea, we would be glad to pay to ensure the promised peace and quiet!

Date visited: 21.7.06

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