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Reviews of Wakefield Market, Wakefield

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Review by john holmes on 4th July, 2011

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I have read the new market has cost £3m, oh dear, what a mess you have made, I used to be a regular visitor to the vast sunday market and would spend hours wandering and buying from the traders,then some bright spark decided that they would spend a huge ammount improving what didnt need improving, result, a total disaster, a complete waste of time and money which has detered many from returning to Wakefield to see the pathetically small remnants of this once thriving area where bargains galore were available,Wakefield has created what can only be described as something akin to an indoor craft market, a place where people will amble through with pockets and purses firmly shut, and never have the slightest urge to return, in my case this was the only reason to even visit Wakefield, farewell Wakefield, you've blown it bigtime.

Date visited: 1/7/2011

Review by Craig on 4th December, 2010

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My dad used to take me to the Wakefield market every sunday when I was a young lad. It sold anything and everything and was always busy. Now when I walk past that thing that's supposed to be a "market", to get to the bus station, I don't even give it a second glance. Wakefield Council has ruined what was once a great part of the city

Date visited: never again

Review by Helen on 30th October, 2010

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i married a wakefield lad, in 1974, and have always lived here since, having only travelled from Leeds! I have always disliked the new "market hall".There is too much space used up at the back of the building for deliverys into the hall. i think they were hoping when allocating all that wasted area.Outside to the front there is also a vaste waste of space which could have made this terrible market hall much bigger. Its as shame as its not a market hall at all. Wheres the bargains to be had, where are the "shouters marking the goods down" where is the competition in veg, meat, no haberdashers, and good old fashioned discount items. Its an upmarket craft fayre. i am ashamed this vibrant city is being outshone with other much smaller cities.Shame on the council and bad luck for the good old traders who served us PROUD BEFORE, WE all GOT BARGAINS not anymore

Date visited: every week

Review by a.farmer on 2nd March, 2010

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what on earth has happened to wakefield market!visited to day,first time in 18months/2years, couldnt believe what i saw, major disapointment,used to love coming to wakefield for the day shopping,market in the morning,lunch,then ridings in the afternoon,i am gutted,doesnt seem much point now,dont think i will be visiting wakefield again.

Date visited: 3/3/2010

Review by Lenny Court on 25th January, 2010

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What a load of rubbish, Wakefield Council closed South Elmsall market just to make traders move to Wakefield no chence Wakefield Market as as much atmosphere as the local graveyard, the day now designated second hand, tuesday, has one stall selling second hand, two vegetable stalls, one egg man, and three selling new clothes what a let down. I stood the market when there was plus 300 stalls on a Sunday all full of people recycling goods do not forget one mans rubbish is anothers treasure, the only market of any sort doing second hand now is Dewsbury on a Sunday a real thriving market where the local council is actually renovating the market not pulling it down to leave a dead city centre ....... SHAME ON YOU WAKEFIELD COUNCIL

Date visited: January 2010

Review by Dee S Gusted on 16th December, 2009

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Wakefield council should hang their thick heads in shame for what they have done to a once thriving market and local hub of the community..never mind bringing back capital punishment for the youth of today, lets set an example and flog these idiots that are p---ing our lives away with their incompetent and selfish decisions.

Date visited: Past

Review by m parker on 25th May, 2009

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write a review of the market, WHAT market.there used to be a market, a market worth visiting to spend some time and money , have a chat to the cheerful stallholders who could always cheer you up and offer advice on anything from your lovelife to what to have for tea! there used to be a variety of stalls , you name it you could buy it or happy to please stall holders would obtain it for you. Sunday market/car boot was another place to spend time looking round but THERE IS NO CAR BOOT now on sunday , do the council know this ? they have ruined a prosperous town and market and have NO idea what people want nor do they care

Date visited: various

Review by Ex shopper on 12th November, 2007

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Wakefield market used to be worth an hours bus trip. Thats what a bunch of my friends and I used to do every Saturday. We used to meet up at the bus station and expect to make a fun afternoon of it because there was so much to see. Now its not worth the bother, the few stalls that are there look so forlorn and depressing that you just dont want to go any more. Not really any point in making the effort. Its gone

Date visited: 12 - 11 - 07

Review by not given on 20th October, 2006

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wakefield market i remember when there was a market in wakefield a very good market.Whats happened empty stalls -rubbish every where - market closed -my god my father and i stood wakefield market for over 20 years each with our own stall selling differant things we made a very good living selling our goods every day the market was open. We used to see traders come and go we saw traders grow from not having enough stock on their stalls to have a good day to ending up with 2 maybe 3 stalls if they were lucky enough to have an empty stall near them the answer is easy WAKEFIELD COUNCIL WHAT A JOKE i have never met a more ignorant set of shall we say people in my life 15 years ago my father said what would happen to wakefield market and people laught at him the same people that are now out of a job or moved to another market scrapping a living or bust or owing money i say to them YOUR NOT LAUGHING NOW LOOK AT WAKEFIELD MARKET IT IS NOW A SECOND RATE MARKET WITH SECOND RATE TRADERS WITH 3RD RATE COUNCIL OFFICERS RUNNING THE JOB what wakefield council didnt understand was you could stand harrogate market on a monday that only opened on a monday for £8.00 a stall or stand wakefield market that opened everyday for £13.50 and you knew you had more chance of taking good money on the market that only opened 1 day a week and pay LESS RENT which would you choose. But if wakefield market had opened less with less rent to pay they would still have a good market FULL again but no lets still open every day charge even more rent lets say £14.40 we will let 25 stalls and get an income of £360.00 or shall we charge £5.50 a stall as a promotion only open 3 days a week and only half fill the stalls thats 251 of them thats an income of £1,380.50 which do they choose YES you quest it. WAKEFIELD COUNCIL BRAIN DEAD or are they what is the market stood on prime town centre building land and low and behold whats happening they have sold the land that we said they were doing 15 years ago you make up your own mind all i know is there are a lot of skint market traders and a lot of rich councilers ENOUGH SAID I THINK

Date visited: 20/10/2006

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