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Reviews of Royal Fleet Club, Plymouth

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Lawrence Reemer on 14th August, 2006

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Arrived here after 5 hour drive from London. Very hard to imagine poorer value for money or facilities. Grubby and very cramped double room. Cigarette burns in blanket on rock-hard bed. Window didn't shut and curtains couldn't shut out light or noise from downstairs party, which also didn't meet at top due to being broken. Oh yes - we were banned from the hotel bar by an extremely agresssive woman because we were not part of the party. Bathroom Shower controls stiff and difficult to regulate. No free shampoo samples in case you forgot to bring your own. (Like us)! 'Minature' TV which just about managed 3 stations by performing acrobatics with manual set-top aerial. Shoddy attempt at amateur decorating with blue paint dripping from walls onto white paintwork. The 'Last Straw' was breakfast where at no time were ALL the ingredients of the so called cooked breakfast assembled at any one time! This necessitated queueing for a grim and greasy breakfast which had to be swapped for cereal and toast anyway! The car park is a joke. On reversing out the gate, I narrowly missed the gate slamming into the side of my car. And for this you pay £55. Is it any wonder the English tourist trade and industry is in decline! DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER STAYING HERE !!!

Date visited: 12-13 August 2006

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The real character of a man is found out by his amusements. - Joshua Reynolds
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National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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