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Reviews of Sportsters Edinburgh, Edinburgh

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Amy W on 11th September, 2008

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A real gem of a shop. Wonderful selection of clothes combining high quality basics (bought some of the most flattering jeans I have ever owned) and beautiful ocassion wear. Poppy Snell the owner has a real eye for picking out items to suit. Well worth a visit.

Date visited: April 2008

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Brit Quote:
Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a swimming pool.' - Paul McCartney
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On this day:
Uranus Discovered - 1781, Formation of Scottish Football Association - 1872, The Dunblane Shootings - 1996
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