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Reviews of Westbourne School, Penarth

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Review by Dominique Fortniam on 20th November, 2008

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Your child is an investment for the future, an investment that you have made (pardon the pun). I invested in a child and sent her to Westbourne for 6 years of her life. She is now managing a branch of WH Smiths, I think that is what is known as a healthy return.

Date visited: 1997-2003

Review by Deniol Jones on 1st May, 2008

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Imagine this for one second... A multi-plug system, the sort used when setting up a computer, short fuses. What to do in this situation? Fall, crumble, shudder is probably what i would have suggested prior to entering Westbourne School. Now however I say rise, stay strong, buy a new multi-plug and move on, perhaps even try to get your money back on the faulty product/multi-plug. Westbourne school taught me how to face such adversity and everyday problems. I am able to deal with the challenges of our daily stuggle to survive thanks (mainly) to the lessons learnt in this school.

Date visited: 1994-98

Review by Morgan Ashworth on 27th February, 2008

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If you can't beat them, join 'em. My grandmother told me that most days until her untimely demise in 1997, she was right you know. I joined the best (Westbourne) in 1982 and spent 9 fantastic years there. I'm not suggesting that you can beat a whole school on your own, unless you opt for home-schooling, apart from that you cannot win against a whole school. I'm not suggesting that trying to would prompt you to join the school, just to eliminate any confusion. The 9 happiest years of my youth were spent in the halls and classrooms of this fantastic building in the seeside haven of Penarth. The see breeze would float upwards from the beach side carrying with it the smells of saltwater and the sound of guls. Each day I spend away from the sea I crave to relive those memories that stick in the mind like poly filler. Polly filler is an industrial adhesive, I cannot offer anymore info on it because I have never used it but the builders who did my extension used it. When they left i used to pretend it was a gun and run about the house with it, one of them saw me doing it once because he stayed late.

Date visited: 1982-1991

Review by Alan Stamp on 12th November, 2007

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Clap twice they would chant, twice, twice, twice... Memories such as these will last long in my mind, they CANNOT be taken from me. This school perches high on the crest of a Devonshire like hill, watching over the valley like Sauron, that huge eye from Lord of the Rings. Sportsday was my best day, I loved sport, the running was always good fun, HARMLESS fun. Then I left, and I never visited a place quite like the old school. From grey city to brown towns, the school remained in my memories, like Sauron's passion for the Ring remains within him. I'm so glad that Frodo won.

Review by Adam on 9th September, 2006

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When the Force strikes, the Force takes over. If you are reading this you may have noticed my name, yes, you saw correct, the FORCE OF NATURE!!!! Power is temporary in life, NATURE will rule supreme. Westbourne gave me the confidence in my short stay to accept my fate as the FORCE OF NATURE. Today, maybe tomorrow, your child will ask you his or her destiny, what shall you reply with, a long pause or a clear sign of weakness in "Whatever you want it to be honey." At the young age of 4 I realised my fate as the FORCE OF NATURE, that is why I chose Westbourne, it sculpted me, it made me, it tranformed me, I became a FORCE, I became an OF, I became a Nature, I AM, THE, FORCE OF NATURE.

Date visited: 9/05-12/05 mmmmm - (editor)

Review by Mrs Lipton on 1st June, 2006

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I was involved in a roadside accident outside the school. One of the teachers asked if I was OK. That surely demonstrates as to why the school is one of the finest in South Wales.

Date visited: 09/05/06

Review by Jill Jillington on 19th April, 2006

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Will today be the day? The day it all ends? The day I become one with the knife? These used to be the questions that I'd ask myself each and every morning before school started, but that was before I went to Westbourne. Since I've been to Westbourne, my life has changed right around, and when I say right around, I MEAN right around. I never had any focus, was bottom of the class, violent and generally disliked by all. But now, thanks to Westbourne, I have lots of friends and get straight A's in all my 13 (That's right -13!) subjects. Thank you Westbourne! Some people think that Westbourne's fees are ridiculous and that there are other schools in the area that offer parents an education for their children at half the price and who also have superior exam results. To those people I say BALDERDASH! Westbourne offer very competitive rates and fees are subject to a very attractive discount for parents considering to enrol 4 or more children. As for those who doubt Westbourne's credentials, Westbourne came in the top 15 most improved small private secondary schools in the South Wales region 2003, as voted for by the readers of The Metro. Enrol your child into Westbourne today! My parents did and look at how much they/I have achieved! Remember: Westbourne - Better than Howells or Stanwell by at least a nautical mile.

Review by Jenny on 9th April, 2006

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Yes, the school is still in Penarth. Question 1 over and done with, finally. So, my views on WB, Westbourne. Hmmm, well many of my children attended, yes attendance was completed therefore, lol, comedian me! Anyways, I always was funny, this one time I was in class and I threw an orange at Denners, classmate. He laughed, we all laughed, he was a laugh too mind. Denners, or Daniel for real, once took a salmon into school and tried to set it free into our pond, ah lol, Silly Sally stopped him though. Sally, annoying, once told on me for talking in class, annoying, I had to sit outside the classroom for 8 minutes on a chair, annoying! LOLOLOL. Yeah, good school and dat, Westbourne.

Review by Alex Agarino on 4th March, 2006

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This is a good school

Review by David Chruchill on 4th March, 2006

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I used to go to the school and I had the great time, the teachers are friendly and the education you will get is top-notch.

Review by Gunter Albrecht on 6th November, 2005

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I am foreign exchange student attending Westbourne currently and I think it is wonderful. Good teaching friendly people. Many friends I have made but they are bit crazy! 'Go back to Germany!' they shout but actually I come from Belgium! 'I am from Belgium!' I will say, but everybody laugh and copy what I say but in German accent. Even headmaster copy! Also much funny activity in Westbourne, friends salute me everytime even though I have no military background! In Westbourne I am very popular, always in middle of attention. Sometimes I say joke that not even joke, but everyone laugh. Crazy friends! Funny at first but can get annoying when people laughing when I ask to go to toilet or when I am reading story in english. If I ask them to stop, they laugh even more! Westbourne people maybe too friendly!

Date visited: 06/11/05

Review by Nathan Pearce on 26th October, 2005

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The school is realy good, it has a nice atmosphere and I'd definitey recommend it to any other parents in the local Penarth area.

Review by Dominic Hanson on 26th October, 2005

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I'm now in the school's year 7 and I can tell you, it is fun-tastic! It is such a laid back atmosphere, like on own clothes day, I wore my normal school uniform as a joke and I didn't even get told off! One time I completely forgot about these spelling corrections we had to do for homework and I told it to my teacher, and she was like 'Don't worry about it, they're in by tomorrow anyway.' That's how intimate everyone is with each other around here, it's like 'Westbourne School? More like Westbourne cool.' The facilities in our school are realy good as well, we might not have things like an internet connection but we do have one of the best kilns in Penarth. It goes up to crazy temperatures like 10,000 degrees selcius. I would definitely recommend this school to anyone . As long as you work hard, you will get good grades (With the exception of my friend Asif who didn't even revise for his Winter exams but like got straight C's). So remember, West-bourne, born to be the best.

Review by ABACAN Consultants on 21st August, 2005

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This is an excellent school, which shows that the genuine interest of teachers in the success of thier pupils is more important than prestigious buildings or elaborate equipment

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