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Reviews of West House School, Birmingham

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Review by Rtyeyggd on 4th January, 2014

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the school can be good some teachers are funny

Date visited: 2009

Review by Johannes on 19th February, 2012

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I still remember the first I went to this school. But I won't have a flash back as that would take far too long. But lets just say I didn't need my teddy bear! I loved this school. But not just because of the social activitys I had with my friends but because of all the love and care that was used to make it all happen. Back in West House I had problems involving my family and I was breaking down just thinking about them. But because of the school I learnt to stand up for myself. This school was one of the greatest experiances I ever had in my life. If I could go back in time I wouldn't change a thing since I wish to cherish these wonderful memorys for the rest of my life. I will miss this school and all the social connections I had created. With Care, Johannes Cross-Warren Former West House Boy

Date visited: About 2004-2011

Review by will duce on 23rd August, 2010

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great school...I was the last border, had a whole dorm to myself!!! I recommend any pupil here - 10 max per class - I learnt more in 2 years than I did in 5 at my previous school

Date visited: 21/08/2010

Review by Edward Hodge on 16th July, 2010

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West House School is so amazing. I have just left. I was in all the teams because the sports teachers were amazing. Mr Robinson is really funny even though he doesn't really like me . all in all a great school.

Review by sam proctor on 12th April, 2010

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west house was good, oh yeah arjun, arjan, harel, tom and oliver like my joke on "your" review. west house was really good though.

Review by arjun varma on 21st February, 2010

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i think that west house was amazing. it was so good. the male teachers were so good.

Review by anthony featherstone on 2nd November, 2009

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i love west house and all the teachers especially the male teachers who were brilliant teachers

Date visited: 2008

Review by mike cherfry on 15th February, 2009

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we have had two children at the school - a boy and a girl. Our daughter had to leave at the end of pre-school which is a shame because our son is really happy. Being boys only was something of a problem from a drop off point of view, but we are glad we left our son there. Academic standards seem high and the staff show a genuine sense of care. The school encourages families to become involved and there is always someone to speak to. We like the fact that the school is keen to give every pupil opportunities to shine.

Date visited: 15the February 2009

Review by harel thompson on 1st September, 2008

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all in all a good school

Date visited: 1999-2008

Review by tom anderson on 11th May, 2008

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This school was amazing, all the ivy growing on it in pretty little patterns,i was rubbish at sport and was still in the school teams, some would say this was because a rugby team requires 15 people in a match and our class held 15, though some would say it was because our teachers were the greatest, and although if you were brilliant at a sport and was captain, if you were really naughty you could still be captain because you were to precious to the team, in five ways i am not in any teams and am completly not good at sports, i am writing a book which i want to get in the school magazine which is 3/4 of a side of A4. I know it is a lot maybe to much

Review by arjan nagra on 26th April, 2008

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West House school was where i spent all my school career up to secondary school. Not many people went there, especially in my year and that didn't help the fact that we were not so great at sports. I also think that putting in the annual magazine that we played 8 rugby matches won 3 and lost 8 is a bit of mis match. The real result was played 9 lost 9. However, the school was fantastic and thouroughly enjoyable. The work at Camphill is not as hard as it is made out to be, but studying 10 weeks before end of year exams is more of a new exerience. I hope that i can meet some friends in rugby, cricket matches, i have already seen Jordan, Sam, Declan in rugby matches, and the cricket season has just started, with myself doing very well. The school has about 7 times more students that West House but the actual perimeter of the school is not much bigger than West House. West house did not give out much homework, so from my point of view that was great. I will not be coming back to the WHOBA as i have cricket trials and matches all over the country. West House has built the foundation for me to become a very good student. Thank you, lol

Date visited: 1998-2007

Review by arjan nagra on 22nd February, 2008

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i was at west house for 8 long years. the school was pretty good. half the cricket matches got cancelled by rain and the football matches were always abandoned. are year was never good at sports although we did have a few talented individuals. after spanning 8 years i think west house was okay. lots of us passed our 11+ an exam that thousands take mind you there was only 14 in my class. unfortunately i heard that this year boy are not doing so well. i hope to come back to WHOBA to meet some friends. I HAVE BEATEN ALL MY OLD SCHOOL FRIENDS IN RUGBY MATCHE. CU JORDAN , NISHAN,SUNNNY, TOM, SAM, DECLAN, THANX

Date visited: 1998-2007

Review by Jordan on 25th November, 2007

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I was actually a student at west house school and they have great staff and it is a brilliant school. They have great grounds for most schools although the other private primary schools had a bit bigger grounds. There pass rate to grammar schools is great i passed every school i went for including all the king edwards except king edwards school in edgbaston (i never took that exam). I recomend that if you want your children to get into the top grammar schools send your children there it is a great school. I was mostly a sports person so the head of sports Mark Denham was my favourite teacher. I recommend west house highly.

Date visited: 7 years 2000-2007

Review by olouy on 1st February, 2006

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i like this school

Date visited: 1feb

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