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Reviews of King Edward VI High School for Girls, Birmingham

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Jilly Ffoulkes on 23rd April, 2007

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Plus points - teaches essay writing properly, Latin expected, Greek available, good facilities, good food in the canteen, tip top results in the leagues, good orchestra through the next-door boys school, some excellent and experienced teachers particularly senior staff in Biology, English and French, fees reasonable. Minus points - junior teachers often write to parents with bad spelling and grammar, politically correct left wing bias, tuck removed and replaced by water bottles to fit in with current food fascism (even though most of the girls are slim and need some calories over a long day), anti sports, anti competition, position in class never reported, prizes won by pupils taken and given to charity whether the pupil likes this or not, weak music department, dreary 'personal decision making' lessons that go on in huge detail about drugs and male oppression, teachers include anti-blood sports and climate change evangelists.

Date visited: 1998-2006

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