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Reviews of Dover College, Dover

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Review by OJW on 11th June, 2010

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I found the school and its staff to be very friendly, with a real family atmosphere. There was a real sense of building the confidence of the pupils in all aspects of their lives, not simply academic achievement. Overall an excellent impression.

Date visited: 2010

Review by Mrs Thompson on 23rd February, 2007

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I attended Dover College's Infant and Junior School's Open Morning and was very impressed. I would describe as "Dover's hidden jewell"! Who would have though such beautiful buildings and grounds were hiding in the heart of Dover? The teachers were very welcoming and friendly and engaged with my little ones before the children in the class themselves started to make friends. I was told that they have a broad mix of children and so can help the brightest achieve entry to local grammar schools and that less able kids are given the chance to shine in whatever they are good at. That family feel has won me over!

Date visited: 27th January 2007

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An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winston Churchill
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Uranus Discovered - 1781, Formation of Scottish Football Association - 1872, The Dunblane Shootings - 1996
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