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Reviews of Exminster Golf Centre, Exeter

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by L.Bridges on 4th November, 2009

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If you are thinking of visiting Exminster Golf Club to dine in the restaurant and have any dietary requirements I would seriously urge you to reconsider. I have Coeliacs Disease and suffer a range of symptoms (sickness, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, rashes) if I consume even a small amount of wheat/ gluten. This can result in hospitlisation and at it's most mild in my case, time off work. Exminster Golf Club were asked at the time of booking wether they could accommodate a Coeliac to which they replied yes, and so we booked. Having been seated in the restaurant on 1/11/10 and having requested my gluten free meal, I was informed that they did not accommodate for those wishing to eat gluten free. As part of a party of thirteen, I was extremely embarrassed that my condition was causing a problem. As a Coeliac wanting a roast dinner, and I'm sure many others will agree, "accommodate" does not mean "serve you the same as everyone else without gravy or a yorkshire pudding or stuffing". "Accommodate" means provide you with gluten free gravy and alternatives to anything else. If you cannot do this, you are not accommodating for a gluten free eater, you are giving them a dry and unfulfilling meal and expected them to pay the same as everyone else. "Accommodate" also implies that the chef is aware that food must be prepared on surfaces that have not been in contact with wheat products, and indeed, is even aware of the seriousness of Coeliacs Disease. When the staff were challenged as to why they had given misinformation, they were what can only be described as unhelpful and ignorant. After much questioning the chef said he could "russle something up" but when pressed further, he admitted to not having the correct ingredients. Had he not been confronted I have no doubts I would have been served "normal" wheat gravy. Ultimately, I had to provide my OWN gluten free goods to accompany the roast dinner although I had to pay the same as the rest of the party. Later that day, I started to show symptoms of having eaten gluten, which resulted in time off work. When EGC were contacted by members of my party they , after much discussion, finally admitted to mixing my gluten free gravy with another product WITHOUT prior consent. However, they refuse to apologise for the incident and the illness I suffered as a result. When contacted by the Coeliacs Society the managers of EGC claimed I was merely suffering from a sickness bug and that they HAD accommodated my needs. They also said "Are you expecting us to stock gluten free yorkshire puddings just in case?". Actually yes! IF you CLAIM to cater for gluten free! The management at EGC are rude, ignorant to the needs of the public, and have no idea how to cater for dietary requirements. They have no qualms about lying about their capabilities to provide a service, dangerously playing with the health of their cliental. I could only imagine what would happen to someone suffering from peanut allergy! My advice is DO NOT eat here if you have a dietary requirement, especially if your good health relies on it.

Date visited: 1/11/10

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