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Reviews of Church Hill Theatre, Edinburgh

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Review by jsmith on 12th September, 2006

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having watched the terrific dance routines of these children from all ages, i knew i just had to return for one more night. the variety of their performances, costumes and versatility in all aspects of dance from street/hip hop, jazz,irish, tap, ballet and all contemporary style, i was impressed at thier professionalism from even the tiniest of tot performer to the more adult. the fact that there was boys dancing, who should they could shake thier booties as well as any girl impressed the sinical of males that dancing can be worked by a male as well as female. the KIC dance company have evolved over the years from a small troop to a larger company and the enthusiasm of each dancer never fails to impress. the dedication of the parents who work so hard helping the show come together deserve a mention for thier tireless efforts. long may this dance company continue and i look forward to next years performances.

Date visited: 11-09-06

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