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Reviews of Little Malvern Court, Malvern

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Helen Arridge on 22nd April, 2005

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This is a truly enchanting garden. The formal layout near the house is complimented by the relaxed and imaginitive planting. It gives a feeling of simplicity and so therefore it stands to reason that a great deal of planning has gone into it. The trees surrounding the lakes are beautiful. The blossom was outstanding when I went and the planting has created exquisite layers of soft feathery blossom and strong velvety green conifers. There is an ideal mix of formality and soft landscaping which does not leave one wanting. The setting of the garden also gives a satisfying mix of security from the backdrop of the Malvern Hills to the open scenery leading towards Upton Upon Servern. And as for that yew hedge; it made one almost expect to see a character from Alice in Wonderland appear around the corner. OUTSTANDNG!

Date visited: 21 April 2005

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Gentleman do not throw wine at ladies. They pour it over them - Auberon Waugh
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