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Reviews of Egerton Cars & Airport Services, Bolton

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Sue Hollinshead on 14th July, 2014

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We have used Egerton cars for many years. On a trip to the airport in June 2013 Mario said that he was selling the business and moving to the Lake District, but not to worry that he would be there to pick us up on our return as usual. Two weeks later we arrived back at Manchester airport, no Egerton cars!! The number was unobtainable and we could not contact Mario. He had our mobile number so could have sent us a message but it appears that he had decided to stop trading during our two weeks away and left us stranded at the airport. He is now back in business I believe, but onec bitten twice shy!

Date visited: June 2013

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Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. - Sir Francis Bacon
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National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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