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Staffordshire Reports

Uttoxeter, Staffordshire

Review of Uttoxeter by A Hopkins-Shirley on February 4th, 2010
To Mr Fountain As My family have lived in the area of Uttoxeter for over 1500 years we are proud of Uttoxeter and Alvelon-Alton Staffordshire. Keep up the good work as Uttoxeter is a ancient market town going back before the Roman times. Or at least Roman. As it tells you in its name. Uttox-eter. The eter such has Ches-ter. This proves it was a Roman town and ALL Roman Towns had markets. Our family were The Saxon Kings of Mercia. Also OUR Great extended Grand Father was the Earl of Derby also known as king charles the second of England. The original surname of the Earls of Derby was Ferrers now the surname of the Earl Ferrers today is Shirley through the female line. They the ones who re-granted the people of Uttoxeter the rights to hold markets for them to sell under the managment of the Town council. The council was NEVER GIVEN the right of FREEHOLD over the common lands where the markets were are held. That is facts which we have tried to bring out to the illegal closing and selling of the cattle market lands. This is why they have had so much trouble selling it because of the fact that our solicitor is the same solicitor who the council used in the selling of of those lands.Glandfield and Crudis in Carter street. They were sent documents and have been taken documents with my brother and sisters. Would not look at them when they were handling our parents estate when they died. I ask, ?Total Conflict of interest and misappropriation of public funds ?EH. Keep the markets going and good luck. Albert Hopkins Shirley.

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The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him - Thomas Hardy
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National Trust founded - 1895, First British Supermarket Opens - 1948
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