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Stafford Borough Council
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Staffordshire Reports

Stafford, Staffordshire

Review of Stafford by Shelley Howe on August 28th, 2007
I LOVE Stafford and its castle. When i was over there earlier this year.. i fell in love with it and spent many days there photographing and taking it all in. I have so many many bits and pieces..i just LOVE it.. and cant wait to come back. I have heard the Castle is being restored..IS that true.. wow..that will be amazing..!!! Your faithfully SHelley HOwe

Review of Stafford by doreen on April 14th, 2007
i was born in Tipton the black country, west midlands, i know Stafford well, i lived and worked for the Earl of Shreswbury in INGestre Hall from 1954 to 1960, i love and miss the beautifull country side, as you can see i am now in the west indies, but i miss you all

Brit Quote:
I cant type but if I could I would rather play the Harpsichord - Peter Ustinov
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On this day:
First Inter-Club Football Match - 1860
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