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Argyll Reports

Ardfern, Argyll

Review of Ardfern by fiona mcgrouther on November 23rd, 2011
Went to Ardfern every summer as a child until I was a teenager.Both my grandparents came from there. On a recent visit it seemed rather sad to see it, taken over by yachts of all shapes and sizes, the dreaded incomers, with pristine bungalows and former properties no longer recognisable.Even my Aunt Kate's garden had an extra house built in it. A shame to see the locals gone,unable to afford inflated house prices.Still my cousins old pub, the galley of Lorne provided an excellent lunch. When did the swans go and who arranged the gravestones down at Craignish;making it look good for the tourists, is not quite the same as getting it right. Time has done Ardfern no favours.

Brit Quote:
Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves. - Emily Bronte
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On this day:
First Inter-Club Football Match - 1860
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