Bonnie Prince Charlie
- Favourite Briton.

Born on 31st of December 1720
Died on 31st of January 1788

Bonnie Prince Charlie’s adventures qualify him for the status of romantic hero in some quarters, but the bulk of his life was spent in sad drink-sodden exile when the reality of the Jacobite cause being lost was finally grasped by Europe’s leaders.
Charles Edward Stuart, The Young Pretender, was born in Rome, where his father James Francis Edward Stuart, The Old Pretender, was supported and funded by the pope. Charles was grandson of James II, ejected from Britain in 1688. The Jacobite party had tried to raise rebellions numerous times, most dramatically in 1715, but Britain was settled and support for the Catholic kings in exile very limited.
Nevertheless Bonnie Prince Charlie would not be held back from attempting another ‘invasion’, though France dropped support at the last minute. In 1745 he landed at Eriskay, and did indeed manage to rally Highland clans to his side, taking Edinburgh, defeating the government at Prestonpans, and marching in triumph through Carlisle and beyond all the way to Derby. With few Englishmen joining their cause was hopeless, and (against Charles’s wish) they retreated to Scotland. There in a classic piece of aristocratic idiocy Charles led his army personally – from a safe distance and unable to see events unfold – resulting in its slaughter.
His fame was, however, assured by his five-month flight, including the legendary escape from Skye dressed as Betty Burke, Irish maid to Flora MacDonald. Less well-known were his incognito returns to London in 1750 and 1754, hoping an offer to drop his Catholicism would spark greater support – it didn’t.
He died in Rome in 1788, after a failed marriage and many affairs, broken and alcoholic, and is buried in Frascati Cathedral.

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1 Response to Bonnie Prince Charlie

From charli on 13th June 2011
i think it was okay but there could be a little bight more information , like thing's about gainsbourgh and lincoln and bight's like that , apart from that i know were to get my answer's from if i need to know something about history >

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